
During her son's soccer game, suburban mother Claire (Tammy Gillis) suddenly leaves in order to find herself. Abandoning her son and husband, she steals a minivan and drives out into rural Manitoba, picking up a hitchhiker along the way.

She enjoys a variety of hedonistic adventures, including working at a strip joint. When the van is stolen from her, she decides to head to the Spanish island of Menorca in order to bring a small rock back to its place of origin.

  • Release Date: April 21, 2017 (limited)
  • Genre: Drama
  • Cast: Tammy Gillis, Sheila Campbell, Talia Pura, Dorothy Carroll, Jason Wishnowski
  • Director: John Barnard
  • Producer: Kyle Bornais, John Barnard
  • Screenplay: John Barnard
  • Studio: IndieCan Entertainment