Miss Bala

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Gloria (Gina Rodriguez), an American from Los Angeles, travels to Mexico to visit her friend Suzu (Cristina Rodlo). As they're out enjoying themselves at a crowded club, armed men break in and begin shooting everyone in sight with machine guns. Gloria and Suzu survive, and when the shooters realize Gloria is American, they decide she's of more use to them alive than dead and begin using her to commit crimes by holding Suzu's life over her head.

When CIA agents discover Gloria is involved in the crimes, they capture her and force her to go undercover for them in a dangerous operation, while she tries to secure the release of her friend.
  • Release Date: February 1, 2019
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller
  • Cast: Gina Rodriguez, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Anthony Mackie, Aislinn Derbez, Matt Lauria, Damián Alcázar, Ricardo Abarca, Cristina Rodlo
  • Director: Catherine Hardwicke
  • Producer: Kevin Misher, Pablo Cruz
  • Screenplay: Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer
  • Studio: Columbia Pictures