Based on 272 votes and 92 reviews
Awesome cinematic experience! Significantly better than the confusing mess from the 80´s.
The classic sci-fi novel explodes onto the screen with unforgettable images and powerful performances from the very best actors working today. There's spectacle to spare here thanks to visionary director Lynch and his talented production designers and special effects wizards, with truly exquisite cinematography by the legendary Freddie Francis and a memorable score from the rock band Toto. An absolute must-see on the big screen!
Much, much better than the awful psychedelic adaptation from the 80´s. Here you can follow the plot even if you didn´t know the books. The visual side is awesome too.
A pale imitation of a far superior original.
Great to be able to have movies with this type of content...
Captures the key moments very well. Only one minus: Liet Kynes.
Beautifully done!
Marvel stans are review bombing this great movie, it seems. Just because it doesn´t have childish jokes inserted in the most inappropriate moments doesn´t mean it´s a bad movie. This is real cinema, not some stupid CGI mess with CGI costumes like MCU.
The original was so much better, but this wasn't terrible.
I echo the sentiment of some other reviewers - I also find the overall brightness of the images on the low side. Especially indoor scenes, where I felt I was straining my eyes to see what was happening. Otherwise, the film was well acted and directly. Special effect and outlandish gadgets are good. I like the film well enough that I will buy a Blu-ray DVD set down the road so I can watch it again - with increased brightness on my home screen.
As a fan of the novels and the first movie version, I had reservations. They were unfounded! The complexity and nuance of this version need make no apologies, it delivers an excellent sci-fi movie that takes time for characters and plot to develop. Can’t wait for the second instalment.
The cinematography was excellent, the direction and adaption were superb. I couldn’t have asked for a better movie.
This version of dune is the best adaptation of the book to date. Enjoyable but sets could have been better lighted and detailed.
It's Spice World for a new generation. Lots of classic hits from Mel. B. and the Girls on the soundtrack, the best part of this movie.
Took time to tell a story and let actors act. They rarely make movies like this anymore.
Extremely slow-paced; lots of same-old "epic comic-book violence"; acting performances are dull and all the same; Chalamet unimpressive. Too much sand.
Original was better.
You'd think a movie with so much money behind it could have afforded to light the sets. Everything looks like it was shot through a bowl of pea soup, and the ineffectual performance by the picture's lead pretty much sinks it.
Beautiful, long, impressive, majestic and serious - very, very serious.
The visuals.
Can't wait to see this -- movies like Dune are exactly why streaming was invented!
Finally saw this and I'm happy to say that apart from a couple curious casting decisions, this is one remake that's very much on par with the original. I would be interested in seeing a sequel.
I'm fairly certain author Frank Herbert had his reasons in making Chani's father a man.
I personally liked all of it! Enjoy, try it it!
This is an amazing adaptation of (the first half of) an incredible (and incredibly complex) novel. The cinematography is gorgeous, the acting is (for the most part) great and the visual effects are good enough to be almost unnoticeable. This movie doesn't spell everything out for you. There is a lot of foreshadowing, mystery, things left unresolved. If you aren't OK with that, then you should probably go see something else.
Awesome movie. Takes time to build its world. Easy to follow. A movie for grown ups with an attention span. This is not a robots/computers/aliens-type sci-fi. Should be seen on the biggest screen.
No one could have blamed Gurney for lopping off Paul's head several times throughout this movie. Here was a spoiled child who clearly thought his britches were bigger and more important than everyone else's.
Zendaya made for a beautiful Chani in the movie, but I didn't care for the portrayal of her father.
After reading the negative reviews of this movie, my expectations were low. Much to my pleasure, many of the complaints were dispelled. The importance of the spice is clarified at the beginning of the movie, so maybe some were in the popcorn line too long and missed that. The acting is appropriate for the content. This isn’t supposed to be “Steel Magnolias”. There are only glimpses of the worms in this first installment, so we’ll have to see if they look computer generated in Dune II. I liked the movie, and it was good entertainment for an afternoon. I look forward to seeing the second one.
Since sequels to old movies seem to be everywhere these days, I was surprised they didn't just start with Herbert's second book instead of going the remake route. That said, this is a decent retelling with a fine cast for the most part.
I liked the way that the story unfolded, and I really don't miss the projected thoughts of the characters. I was somewhat disappointed that the movie was over when it was starting to get exciting. I look forward to the sequel. I really hope that they don't make it a trilogy.
A nice companion piece to the original classic.
Nothing about this film, not the cheesy, boring dialogue which was hard to hear most of the time, the acting, storyline, dark lighting, overrated, overdone effects, From the trailers I thought it was going to be great...but nope, trailer is the best part, don't waste your money. That's what you get for putting quotas over creativity and talent.
One of the worst movies ever. Ridiculous story line, cheesy acting. They fight for a "spice" yes a spice, which they never explain (by showing an example) what it does, how powerful it is but only that its super valuable. They jump from one issue or plot to another, very disjointed, nothing relates, nothing makes sense, no logic, no reasoning, too many superpowers to make the audience believe any of it. Slow, boring, too dark. Instead of water being the most valuable resource (on a scorching hot sand planet) its spice. Give me a break. The writers must be brand new or full of themselves---as Simon would say, "Quite indulgent" and nothing about this film works, even the special effects are overdone, overrated simply and cannot make up for this disaster.
The digital sandworms were more convincing on the TV show. Other than that, I liked it.
Not the next Lord of the Rings, but Percy Jackson is a distinct possibility.
Incredible special effects and I don't go for that kind of thing as one of the most important aspects of a film. Too bad it's only the first half of the saga. Definitely worth seeing if your a fan of the 80's Dune movie.
The Third Stage Guild Navigators in this version look like the aliens from Mars Attacks! "Don't run -- we are your friends!" If Paul ever gets ahold of his dad's Slim Whitman collection the Navigators are done for!!!
I think the casting of Chalamet in the lead severely compromised the epic sweep the movie was going for. As remakes go it's average at best, which was quite unexpected.
I thought this was a great movie. Remakes are tough, and I think this one crushed it. This is an engaging and textured story with political power plays among multiple factions and characters, each with competing interests. There is no other way to tell this story other than to go slowly. If high action, low plot is your taste, this movie will disappoint. The casting of Paul's character is interesting. He's not the superhero as much as an average kid whose strength and talents become reveled as situations are thrust on him. There is no cape or Justice League logos on him. Just like the plot, his character is textured and we learn about him in drops and dribbles as his story unfolds. The cinematic effects were very well done and the music score was gripping. I look forward to seeing the second.