Based on 308 votes and 111 reviews
I found this movie empowering, and I'm a man.
This was a great movie, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Ms. Viola Davis was powerful in this movie she showed off her strengths and Leadership. I Loved It.
The reality of the Situation was that it was 300 and King Leonidas in Reverse. 6 French Soldiers took out about 400 of them, It was more like Woman Bullet Catchers.
Well acted and engaging
Best movie I've seen in years. All cast was excellent.
The strength of a woman. The courage to stand up for what is good and right. This movie is a prime example of unity, strength, and courage. I can see this again & again. Viola Davis great work!
We all know Viola Davis has acting chops. Here she proved she can carry a movie. Well done, sista Viola!
Amazing movie, I can go watch this again and still enjoy it like its my first time. Only thing I don't recommend is seeing it in 4DX that's where I went wrong because it was just doing to much after awhile.
Voila Davis did not disappoint. Great to see a woman be the leader of a movie. The co-stars were right on point. The scenario was so realistic and the story line was easy to follow. I've seen it 3 times. Totally rate this movie 5+ stars.
Orwellian dystopian nightmare.
It is ironic that a movie set with a people fighting against slavery is set historically in a people that perpetuated slavery even before white people did. This movie is propaganda and completely a-historical.
This film is excellent in spirit and execution. Based on true historical events, The Woman King allows the viewer a glimpse of the Dahomey people's intense desire to remain free from being conquered and exploited during the early 1800's African slave trading done by both African and European slavers. The audience has an opportunity to realize what African people did to survive during those horrendous times. The all Woman defense force were called the Agojie (A-go-gee). I intend to view The Woman King again.
Viola Davis rocked it. Loved the entire movie from start to finish, with the exception of the dark arts, aka "Rocks" The rocks "LOL" not good.
awesomeness...all about woman power. Excellent cast, excellent costumes, and great comrades
This the best movie my group has seen. Thank You Galaxy Theater . We enjoyed your wonderful service. Thank for being so kind . We had large group & they want thank you as well.
How the authors are not ashamed of themselves? If they wanted a movie about African people they could use the Dahomey as the villains and some villagers they raided and enslaved as the protagonists who fight back/try to escape from slavery.
The worst woke garbage to ever hit the movie theater - and that’s saying something.
Cheesy, overacted…!
great story with great actors
if you're desperate for female empowerment, and willing to squint really hard to avoid grossly distracting, politically driven historical license taken in the name of ticking all the industry required boxes, then look no further. Just please don't engage in the soft racism/sexism of lowered expectations, by invoking race, and sex, in an attempt to deflect the much deserved criticism that men face when churning out crap only half this bad (see Pathfinder, 300, Gods of Egypt, Braveheart etc.),
I am here because I have to come back and see it a second time. It's so good. Beautiful casting, 🎥 filming, acting and .. over all incredibly done. Top ranking.
Viola Davis was superb in movie - I give her A+++ acting but the movie story was a little boring B+++still enjoyed seeing it.
Everyone should see this film. It is not meant to be a documentary, but a film about female empowerment and sisterhood. This film is entertaining and features artfully, beautifully choreographed action scenes. We often allow creative license to filmmakers with men leading films, but seem to hold women to a different standard. Let’s stop being so judgmental and become more curious and inclusive. Open our hearts to include all filmmakers/artists and not only a few select chosen creatives. Let’s support Viola Davis, Gina Prince-Bythewood and the entire amazing cast for bringing us a few moments of entertaining pleasure. It is about time that all young girls have the opportunity to see a plethora of black heroines on the big screen. Let us celebrate this accomplishment. Love this long overdue film and will see it again and again!
This movie is about as accurate as a blind man shooting long distance... Overrated and overblown, the storyline is weak the acting mediocre, not a fan of painting one of the worst group of people who ever lived as some heroic, feminist fantasy
Well done relying on good acting for emphasis not gratuitous cursing. The storyline kept my attention and a nice surprise well into the movie.
Acting by Viola Davis over-rated. The team of warrior women with her make the movie.. Yes, it based on true life but I was disappointed in the lead acting.
THIS FILM IS BEAUTIFUL. It is not intended to be WOKE or ACCURATE - AND if other films are allowed the deference of an aspirational and inspirational "semi-fictional" narrative - this one deserves the same! Pathologically - too often, we create crudely, pathetic excuses for oppressing, critiquing, and limiting Black women in film and in the world. We are willing to honor a film about anyone else whether fictional or not (Rosewood, Django, etc.) as long as a black woman is not the lead. This must change. This film is for EVERYONE.
The unity as a kingdom
I had to walk out of this... I knew it would be bad, but I couldn't really sit through anymore after having vomited allover myself.
Viola Davis is good as usual, but the film just felt like someone had a specific agenda in mind that doesn't sit well with everyone.
Davis’ performance is spectacular. The story line and the action was well balanced. This movie will leave waiting more. Hopefully their is a sequel.
Girl Power!
These female warriors exhibited power, strength, trust, and true family
Love it Love it Love it Love it. This movie is a must 👀see
Everything was totally awesome
Action; motivation and Woman Power. We are getting ready to go see this wonderful movie again.
Typical Hollywood today. ReWriting history to push woke agenda. Absurd film.