Children of Men

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3.99 / 5

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  • User rating: 3.99 15.71%
  • User rating: 3.99 9.80%
  • User rating: 3.99 4.22%
  • User rating: 3.99 13.18%

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Showing 41 to 80 of 110

User review rating: 0 January 18, 2007

The premise is absurd and the acting is even worse.

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

The plot had potential, maybe could have been better in a book format. senseless killings to get the point across that the world is ending was a good idea was a bit overdone. very interesting supporting charcters. Clive Owen`s acting was quite impressive so was Micheal Caine, good special effects to make a slum London. Ending was a letdown, left the entire trip pointless unless we could see what happens at the end of their trip but no such luck.

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

This was a most excellent film. Clive Owen was a great choice for the lead character. The plot is beleivable(not always the case with sci-fi)& the movie looked & felt real, very gritty & bleak. The camera work was top notch, some of the fight/chase scenes had a "Call of Duty" third person feel, very intense (blood splatter on the camera lens) I`d give it 4.00 out of 5.00.

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

Fantastic!! This is a definite tear jerker so don`t go without tissue.

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

Excellent use of monochromactic stlye similar to Black and White. Using the hand held camera brings the viewer directly in contact with the event on screen. The existance of two distinct level of privilege is brillantly displayed upon entering the royal grounds.

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

Very well put together. I love how they take concept cars and trash them. The juxtaposition of the simple living and crazy hard core music is magical, because it surprises and forces us to examine how we view the world. The story is beautifully crafted to fit real life where there are no real endings, only beginings. The ending works well for a sequel. The set design and camera angles help to tell the story of a world that isn`t that much different that what we are experiencing right now. You can picture yourself there and that is what gives this movie its creepy appeal. It`s definitely a wake-up call. I wonder though if people can be woken u

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

This is a very good movie, others comments about it being very Orwellian are right on. For those who say there are many loose ends...what exactly are you referring to? I think its your ADD addled brains that can`t handle a movie that lets you think about events and doesn`t wrap up into one of your neat little MTV-inspired packages where everyone and everyhting works out great. Eith all the chemicals, pesticides and drugs in our food and water supply, this isn`t so far fetched. In fact infertility and ed problems are rising exponentially.

User review rating: 0 January 15, 2007

The most intense fil I`ve seen in ages. Nightmar-ish, Orwellian, a Sublime piece if you`re paying attention. It`s interesting to read the reviews and pick out the typos, and "Boooorings" and then read some of the other better worded reviews. Obviously given the chaismus between the two, this film is for people with attention spans and a fair bit of smarts. That is to say, if you lack any of these you will not like this film at all.

User review rating: 0 January 15, 2007

Boring, not well thought out, too many loose ends. Would not recommend it. Could have written a better script myself.

User review rating: 0 January 15, 2007

Weird. Not put together very well.

User review rating: 0 January 15, 2007

Why is this call a sci-fi ? It gave me the wrong impression that there is technology involved. I was rather disappointed. Not very well scripted

User review rating: 0 January 14, 2007


User review rating: 0 January 14, 2007

Best film I have seen in years. Intensely bleak, but hopeful in that you see humanity at its best in such a hopeless setting. A strong commentary, too, on the cultural numbness setting in our society towards the value of human life, war and everyday living. There are so many implications in the film that can easily be related to the world we now live in (and I commend the makers of this film for helping us see them). Incredible!

User review rating: 0 January 14, 2007

A bit boring and a lot of lose ends.

User review rating: 0 January 14, 2007

Good Plot... some scenes graphic .. great directing..

User review rating: 0 January 14, 2007

A bit slow and depressing. Ok overall. Definitely not an oscar winner.

User review rating: 0 January 13, 2007

In previous review, I meant Claire-Hope Ashitey (NOT Chiwetel Ejiofor) was terrific, for a newcomer, but again, her script was lean. It was a typo! ;)

User review rating: 0 January 13, 2007

A dark, apocalyptic feel. Michael Caine did a standout job in what little role he played. Julian Moore`s script didn`t allow her to stretch her legs. Clive Owen kind of sleepwalked through it, but he`s great to watch. Chiwetel Ejiofor was terrific, for a newcomer, but again, her script was lean. Acting talent is not the problem here. This screenplay couldn`t possibly be a true facsimile of the book, as the book was a best-seller. One gets the feeling that there is a lot more under the surface of this movie than is displayed, possibly due to the transition from paper to silver screen or maybe from so-so directing. Maybe a really good

User review rating: 0 January 13, 2007

Not so great. The concept was sound and very interesting but they fell short on portrayal. A renter unfortunately

User review rating: 0 January 12, 2007

Children of Men is an overwhelmingly sad commentary on today`s society. It is unbearable to think that millions of dollars were spent on the making of this 90-minute horror show. What will I remember about this movie? I will remember scores and scores of brutal killings; the gratuitous violence; the pointlessness of the enitre film. Stay home and play a board game with your family and use the money you saved going to this movie to surprise someone you love with flowers or give it to charity--call it your contribution to a better world.

User review rating: 0 January 12, 2007

Alfonso Cuaron has created a subtly detailed, dystopic and nightmarish vision of a not-so-distant future, either in time or familiarity. It is oppressively bleak, but certainly not hopeless. At times shockingly violent, the film also contains occasional moments of sly humour. Not only providing food for thought, it is also action-packed, unpredictable and suspenseful. Clive Owen is masterful in a demanding role requiring the expression of a full range of both muted and intense emotions. The woman who is to deliver humanity’s saviour is refreshingly flawed, complex, unpretentious, and delightfully crass. Symbolism permeates the entire film. Of

User review rating: 0 January 12, 2007

The idea behind the movie is superb. It had great potential but the plot was a bust and nothing actually happened. The special effects, especially the birth and war scenes were some of perhaps the best ever. With a few exceptional scenes, the movie was a great disappointment.

User review rating: 0 January 11, 2007

This movie is so swiss cheese! The holes are deep indeed. The concept was interesting, they could have done so much with it, but they decided to focus on the caos. The Nazi mentality of the Brits regarding the refugees was distressing! Unless you are a Micheal Caine fan (he was great as always),trust me and save your money!!!

User review rating: 0 January 11, 2007

It`s always difficult to take a book to the screen. You have to choose carefully what to keep and what to leave out. Keep too much, and you get too much story/characters and not enough action. Keep too little, and you tend to get one long chase scene for no apparent reason. Children of Men does an OK job with the balance. You know what`s going on, you care about the characters and the story. The cinematography rewards those who notice these things, with plenty of extended scenes without edits, and a grittiness reminiscent of Saving Private Ryan (blood splatters on the camera lens, etc). Maybe it`s the blah ending, maybe it`s too many rainy

User review rating: 0 January 11, 2007

i would just like to say, that no movie before this, inspired met o actualy go and write about this, i usually, tend ot think that people should make up their own mind about movies, but THIS is the next greatest movie of all time. This is going to win at LEAST 5 oscars... This will become an undeniable part of our culture, and be remembered as a masterpiece years from now.

User review rating: 0 January 10, 2007

Children of Men? Long story short, the trailer looked better than the movie itself. Save yourself the money, time and anguish!

User review rating: 0 January 10, 2007

Superb but requires undivided attention and a little mental detective work ie: background graffitti etc. Michael Caine and cast superb had me spell bound.

User review rating: 0 January 10, 2007

Very bad movie. Don`t see it. Many lose ends unaddressed...

User review rating: 0 January 10, 2007

Gripping movie. Script had the ability to surprise, to be unpredictable. Wonderful to be so captivated for throughout. Incredible.

User review rating: 0 January 09, 2007

I have troubles believing that people who hated this movie because it didn`t give any backstory were watching the movie at all. The amount of exposition done via background radio, TV, billboards, newspapers and even comments made by characters developed a very complete story of what has happened in the last 20 years. This movie is remarkable, powerful and worth both your time and the full price of admission. It doesn`t assume you`re stupid, so you might need to pay attention and not text your friends on your cell phone while watching.

User review rating: 0 January 09, 2007

Interesting plot however underdeveloped storyline and silly dialogue

User review rating: 0 January 09, 2007

Very interesting movie. Great job capturing the human condition in troubled times. This is likely not too far off the mark in war torn countries today. The ending was a little flat and very sudden though. Maybe they ran out of money ???? I am sure the book would be much more detailed.

User review rating: 0 January 08, 2007

Grim forecast of our not-so-distant future was disturbing to watch at times (always the sign of a good movie). Tons of sub-text ...German treatment of Jews during WWII, Islamic militancy, the `fortress` mentality of western nations and so on. Alarmingly realistic urban battle scenes hit hard could almost smell the cordite and feel the ground shake. Great story, but I wish that the ending had offered a little more explanation a-la `28 Days Later`. Lots of potential for a sequel!

User review rating: 0 January 08, 2007

Save your money and go watch apocalipto, Blood Diamond or Casino Royal. This movie is a joke. I thought about leaving a couple of times but did`nt hoping for it to improve. Wish I did. All movies show the same star rating on this site but children of men is a 2 at best while the rest are a solid 5.

User review rating: 0 January 08, 2007

I can not even begin to explain how amazing this film is....if your the type of person who appriciates the art of filmmaking, please see this movie. the story, Filming, Directing and acting are all superb, if you think it reallly hard..youll notice in 50 years thell look back on this film to show and teach people how a movie should be filmed, directed and done, much like "citizen`s cane" from the 1960`s is still known today...mark my words ppl will look back on this film in awe. 2 bad it came out to late for the golden globes, but it will definitily be at the oscars.

User review rating: 0 January 08, 2007

This is an excellent movie and perhaps the reason it is so excellent is because it focuses on something we don`t want to happen. There was nothing bad about this movie, but if you are hoping for light movie you should stay away. This movie grabs you and takes you in, (the way it was filmed makes it feel like you are there) and doesn`t stop showing intense images until it`s. Some say the ending is a disappointment but the ending actually finishes the story the only way it could. I WOULD TOTALLY RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE WHO DOESN`T MIND A HEAVY REALITY CHECK! Also there is one scene where you might get dizzy so motion sickness people, be warned

User review rating: 0 January 08, 2007

This film sadly has a realistic message. Pendemics and lost of crops due to enviromental changes does and will affect our world.For those whom have been outside North America know.If anything this movie encourages me to do even more to protect our enviroment. I encourage curious movie goers to go with a open mind and think outside your everyday box. I give this movie a ten-plus.

User review rating: 0 January 07, 2007

Really good movie, the camera perspectives were great.

User review rating: 0 January 07, 2007

truly a moving and groundbreaking film. you owe it to yourself to see this movie.

User review rating: 0 January 07, 2007

The movie was boring. A lot of background details were left out and made me puzzled about how all of the sudden people became refugee, what`s the human project is about and what`s the terrorist`s goal are. Details of why people lost the ability to reproduce was also not addressed. I did not enjoy the movie. The only good part is I really enjoyed being together with my company.