Based on 264 votes and 93 reviews
Filming the devastating affects of war on a local scale was good with good sets intertwined through the movie with actual war footage or scenes where the lead was actually over in the middle east taking pics of actual war. Good contrast to show fighting a foreign enemy and your own friends and neighbours. Some scenes are disturbing like hanging someone you know...which this really felt like The Purge. People clearly committing a LOT of war crimes. Executing your own compatriots! Shows everyday state militia or just towns people with guns do not have the discipline like if they were actually in the military. All in all, I was not sure who was bad or who was good or how this all came about. Maybe they just wanted to show the tail end of a civil war and it doesn't matter how they got there, but that this is what can happen? One interesting part is the town that was not ravaged by war. They clearly knew what was happening outside their town, and there were some that were ready, but they didn't get sucked into it and just want to keep living their lives. It was ok. A bit interesting the more I think about it.
I can't decide if the producers hate liberals, or conservatives, because they make both of them look like idiots. For the main characters in the movie, you just dislike every one of them and if they die or get shot, I cheer. Trying to thread a line and subtly trying to make it look like Trump would be a dictator is ridiculous and now I see it obvious, it's liberal psyops Joseph Goebbels propaganda stuff.
So many great stories out there to be told and this is not one of them. Not terrible, but not worth watching either. It simply has nothing to say. Forgettable. The only scenes worth watching are the pseudo-militias determining who lives and who dies...for no particular rational reason. Spooky. Those are the ones that resonate. Otherwise, a much ado about nothing effort by the director and a boutique does-what-it-wants-when-it-wants studio. Underwhelming story that was supposed to tell the journalists side, and it kind of does a bit, but its not strong. Ultimately, it says little about nothing. Too bad!
An example of why Americans better get informed and perform their civic duty this November. DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY! The most divisive movie since the McCarthy trials in the 50’s. So disappointed in myself for being duped into watching this!
Right now we have a corrupt president and government and in the end we the people win the war. Great job with the movie and it’s a must see.
People can't take it when violence is more realistic and not fun. This isn't Transformers.
Ya very divisive movie It was cruel heartless like Americans killing Americans thats very dark and disturbing, Worst movie of the year
The story is political no matter what they say. Journalists are not the heroes in real life and they aren't heroes in the movie. Very callous and agenda motivated individuals. There are a few shock scenes but most of it is far from what a real war would look like. I saw it, so I could either praise it or criticize it and as a war veteran I give it thumbs down. You have no back story on why there is a war except that the president has done what some news people say DJT will do if elected. So obviously it's political and he's the guy the journalists don't like. Go figure. It should be a multiverse movie because only there would Texas join forces with California.
Put me to sleep. Left theatre at 45 minutes into movie.
This is one of the best war movies I've ever seen! It certainly is the one that feels closest to home, vs WWII or any other historic war movie. To all the low IQ people giving it 1 star because the movie doesn't explain all of the details about who is who and why the war started, etc, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! War DOESN'T make sense! During a war, people don't know what exactly is happening outside of snippets capture through photos or video clips, accompanied by whatever narrative the side they're hearing from wants to push. This movie is a WARNING! And an excellent one at that. War is not glorious. Everyone loses. If you want your typical good guy vs bad guy James Bond style nonsense, this movie IS NOT it. The one thing I didn't like is the young reporter using film rather than digital. I'd dock a star for that, but I'm giving this visceral film 5 stars to counter the fake and/or misguided 1 star reviews writen by folks that are too shallow to understand a film like this. If you're politically motivared, this movie won't give you the satisfaction of confirming your "us good, others bad" bias. This is probably what some trump supporters are looking for and giving unwaranted 1 star reviews as a result of not finding it here.
This could have been a good movie lacked any story line. The movie was a flop in my opinion. I was excited to see this from the preview. But it was a Huge disappointment.
This movie is not about anything specific in the US's current political climate, it's just about photo journalism if a war were to occur. The "conversation with the sniper" scene spells this out.
Terrible premise as if we want to pay to see a movie that is pretty much playing out in Amerikkka right now. No thank you and Hollywood or wherever this crap is coming from, get thy head out of your ace and find some new ideas. For the longest time, the movie going experience was one that made you forget about your troubles for 90+ minutes.
This film shows the pointless, random violence that can occur when 2 parties do not agree. Neither side open to discussion, combined with the ridiculously out-dated 'right to bear arms' mentality. I'm glad this movie was made, at the times that we are facing now. Hopefully it will open a few eyes as to what is potentially only a few months away and get people talking, not plotting each others demise.
This movie should have been titled War Correspondence, since that was the only focus of the film, capturing the confusion, inhumanity and wanton abandon of an average citizen with a gun during conflict. I was expecting backstory as to how the civil war began; an explanation of who were on opposing sides and why; as well as HOW the side opposed to the United States and the sitting President got access to all the military equipment for their use. This movie lacked little info that focused on the title. All that being said, Dunst delivered a great performance as a photo journalist hardened by her calling which required her to disengage personally from the horrors that were going on in front of her lens. The adrenaline surge accompanying the desire to capture the moments in real time seem matched by the depressive nature of the war time scenarios. At times they seem to be a hinderance to the operations, essentially 'unnecessary' in the action moment...that is until you realize that without many of these candid and real photos, we would know nothing visually to attach emotion and empathy. It brings the atrocities and horror to us personally on our computers, phones, tv, magazines. I understand that each side presently thinks the other side is the guilty party in the possibility of a civil war, but this movie had a chance to show the main factors that are instigating it all...mobs pretending to be seal team six because they play video games and win; adults unwilling to compromise or even listen to oppositions reasonings; peoples lifestyles feeling threatened, and other people pushing their agendas on them; and most of all the division being perpetuated by people claiming the ability to lead ALL of America when they are only concerned with loyalists, or candidates that should pass the baton because they had their time already. I will give this movie ONE good point, it did not come across as bias to either side, seemingly more neutral.
Couldn't figure out who they were trying to portray as the president, until they said he authorized airstrikes on American citizens; so that narrows it down to George W(1 confirmed kill) or more likely Obama(at least 4 confirmed killed, including at least one child); they also said it was the presidents third term which would mean FDR... or Obama who is currently having his third term pulling the strings on weekend at Bernies Biden LOL
No good or bad sides. No story. How did it start?? Prez not in a bunker???? Or on AF1. No military protecting prez???? Sooo stupid.
If you like the Will Smith type of action movies then you won't like this movie. I liked it a lot.
It was fast-moving and the whole movie was about the press walking around taking photos of people. Spend your money, trust me! The trailer shows the best parts of the movie.
Apolitical. Engrossing. Great soundtrack. Brutal. Frightening. A possible dystopia that's right around our corner.
Just not a good movie. Poor. Almost left but had made it half through and did not have a whole lot to do. I would not waste my time or money on this.
It was slow-moving and the whole movie was about the press walking around taking photos of dead people. Don't waste your money, trust me! The trailer shows the best parts of the movie.
Great movie liked to see Biden get his payback.
Good, solid action movie. One of the characters is so dumb it becomes hard to believe. The last half hour is spectacular. I will see it again just for the last half hour.
This is what this country's moviemaking has come to? Amazing plot. As unpredictable as a root canal...with the same anticipation. So many original thoughts. Unbelievably good writing.. great scenes...ones after another punctuated by tremendous attempts to shock the audience with violence juxtaposed with ironic music. The writers, directors, and producers just need raises. I'm sorry for anyone who thinks this movie was bad
OMG! The real Civil War isn’t between Hollywood and Any Intelligent Person
Best movie every !
This is what this country's moviemaking has come to? No plot. As predictable as a root canal...with the same anticipation. Not one original thought. Unbelievably bad writing.. painfully boring scenes...ones after another punctuated by sophomoric attempts to shock the audience with gratuitous violence juxtaposed with ironic music. The writers, directors, and producers just need to be exiled to Greenland or Alaska. I'm sorry for anyone who thinks this movie was good.
Amazing storyline
The movie starts out slow but as it goes on there so many intense scenes! Highly recommend this.
Poor storyline. Jumped around too much.
No real storyline. Promotes animosity.
The must see movie of 2024
Good Imagination of rogue government to counter actions of the people. 1. Currency failure. 2. Displacement of population 3. Regional vs national.
If their purpose was to see how many cuss words, military shooting scenes and dead bodies to expose then they were successful. finding a plot or any sense at all in this movie was very possible . It truly was the best movie I’ve sat through in years. Thank goodness I didn’t listen to my kids and saw King fu Panda.
Obviously more of the left making good guys out of the right. It surprise me. Just more unintentionally inclusive propaganda, because the right and left are friends
Obviously more of the left making bad guys out of the right…doesn’t surprise me. Just more intentionally divisive propaganda, because the right finally started standing up and speaking out.
Good movie. I want to see it again.
...and have a steak at Grandma's. Hardly entertaining, laughable scenario, however feasible it may seem. Trust me: California and Texas are never going to rebel together, and Florida would have more sense than join alone. Now, let's discuss the cost of popcorn and soda...
Amazing script